Thursday 11 June 2015

Causes Of Panic Attacks

Causes Of Panic Attacks

What causes a panic attacks?

It’s worth mentioning up front that the causes of panic attacks can differ massively from one person to the next. Remember, all causes of panic attacks are as individual as the people suffering them.

What is a panic attack?

A panic attack is a sudden and uncontrollable bout of terror that results in symptoms such as rapid breathing, tight or pounding chest, nausea, sweating, the feeling of about to faint or pass out, trembling and shaking, muscle tension.

Some people can feel all these symptoms and more. If you are getting any of these symptoms then, to understand the causes of panic attacks, you must first visit your doctor or a specialist and confirm that you are actually suffering from panic attacks and not something else.

To Discover More Causes Of Panic Attacks And How To Cure Them, Click Here

Why do they happen?

Your body has an inbuilt survival mechanism. If it is threatened and thinks that something nasty is about to happen to you it will kick in. This is called the “flight or fight” syndrome. Your body reacts in a way that enables it to run as fast as it possibly can, away from the thing that is threatening it; or to fight like a wild thing to get rid of whatever is threatening it.

In order to run or fight at your best, your body needs oxygen. In a panic attack your wants more oxygen so you start to breath quicker. Your body then sends this oxygen to your muscles so that they are working as best they can to either run or fight. This is where you get the muscle tension, the shaking and trembling from.

The extra oxygen can also make you feel light headed or about make you faint. It can shuts down non-essential body systems like digestion which is why you can feel nauseas. Once you have got away from the danger or defeated it your body goes back to its normal rhythm.

Back in the prehistoric days when caveman were faced with a man eating dinosaur, this natural survival mechanism the body produces came in quite handy for their survival. However, in today’s society, we get worried or anxious about being late for work, missing deadlines, completing tasks, being with other people, and sometimes your body can learn to react to certain things or situations with its inbuilt survival mechanism and make you panic.

To Discover More Causes Of Panic Attacks And How To Cure Them, Click Here

Why do people have panic attacks?

There is an endless list as to the causes of panic attacks, but here are a few reasons why people have panic attacks.

Post-natal or Postpartum depression: they can start when you have had a baby and are suffering with post-natal or Postpartum depression.
Depression: you may be depressed about something in particular and the panic attacks are started when you are faced with that situation or thing.
Anxiety: It could be something you are anxious about, like driving around places that are unknown to you.  Someone might mention driving somewhere new and hey presto!  Here comes panic attack.
Stress: You may be under emotional or mental strain over a particular situation or problem and when faced with that situation or thinking about it can trigger off a panic attack.
Deadlines: working so hard towards a deadline could make your body go into survival mode and cause a panic attack.
Social: some people suffer panic attacks just at the thought of going to a party or get together.
At the end of the day, the causes of panic attacks are a very real and personal thing to you. But what matters most, is taking your first step to finding treatments out there that can work for you, and then make a commitment to yourself, to give these treatments a whole hearted go. If you have been suffering from panic attacks for a long time, what have you got to lose? You might just be surprised be the results you get.

To Discover More Causes Of Panic Attacks And How To Cure Them, Click Here

Anxiety Attack Help

Anxiety Attack Help

If you have suffered with any form of anxiety on an ongoing basis, then you will know that it can be a very stressful problem to live with. If you are going to perform any kind of anxiety attack help diagnosis on yourself, then you need to arm yourself with the right knowledge and information in order to find the right solution to your anxiety problems

Learn and understand what anxiety is

We have all heard the saying “knowledge is power”. If you suspect you are having any kind of anxiety attacks then one of the first things you need to do is to find out as much information as you can about your anxiety problems/symptoms.

Click Here To Discover How To Cure Your Anxiety Naturally

By seeking and gaining the necessary knowledge about your anxieties and what they actually are, you put yourself in a much stronger position to have a more informed and in-depth conversation with your doctor or specialist. This will not only increase your chances of really understanding your own anxieties but help you to find ways to learn how to deal with them.

One thing to be aware of is, if you are going to do any kind of self diagnosis on yourself then always seek professional help and guidance from your doctor or specialist before you take any kind of anxiety attack help diagnosis for granted. Without using professional help to backup your newly gained knowledge, you don’t want to diagnose yourself with the wrong symptoms/problems and end up seeking solutions to problems that you just don’t have.

Anxiety Attack Help research

Just like anything in life, be aware that there is always going to be good information and bad information available to you. At times you will find conflicting advice or information that has no credible proof, however, the more you can find out about your problems, the more questions you can ask to the right people/professionals in order to find a solution.

When researching a solution to your anxieties problems, it is always good to keep an open mind. You will find that in most cases, but not always, there is usually more than one way to treat a problem, and some specialists who teach one method may not advocate or even be aware of other methods being used.

By keeping an open mind, you keep yourself open to new ideas, techniques and methods that you may not have heard of or even tried before. You don’t want to miss out on a great solution that might of worked for you, if only you had tried it.

Anxiety Attack Help Advice

One of the best pieces of advice we can give you if you want to find a solution to your own anxiety problems, is to find someone who has been there and done it. Anyone who has suffered but overcome the same symptoms that you are getting is worth listening to and getting advice from.

Now there will be people out there that have claimed to have cured themselves of anxiety but have no valid proof of doing so. As long as you do your due diligence and check out the person giving the advice to make sure they are genuine, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t consider their advice.

In summary: “knowledge is power”. So if you want to find a solution to your own anxiety problems, learn everything you can about your symptoms, listen only to those who are credible and have truly experienced anxiety first hand, and keep an open mind to the anxiety attack help solutions available to you.

For More Information On A Great Program For Curing Your Anxiety Naturally, Click Here